- Nishioka D, Ueno K, Kino S, et al. Characteristics and hospitalizations among children on public assistance in Japan: A population-based cohort study. Pediatr Int. 2024. (In press)
- 堀川千嘉,村山伸子,太田亜里美,坂本達昭,小林知末,西岡大輔.生活保護利用世帯における家計収支から見た5年間の食料支出状況の検討.栄養学雑誌.2024;82(6):181-196.
- Matsuda S, Kotani T, Okazaki A, Nishioka D, et al. Poor prognostic factors for relapse of interstitial lung disease in microscopic polyangiitis: the Japanese multicentre REVEAL cohort study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2024; 26:221.
- 西岡大輔, 武本翔子. 生活保護受給者への架電による健診の受診勧奨と受診行動との関連:豊中市の2年間の取り組み. 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 2024;71(11):713-720.
- Mizumoto J, Sano K, Ando T, et al. Conference on implementation of anti‐oppressive practice into primary care: Activity report. J Gen Fam Med. 2024. (Online First)
- Ueno K, Nishioka D, Saito J et al. Understanding the daily life needs of older public assistance recipient subgroups in Japan: A qualitative study. Global Health & Medicine 2024; 6(4): 259-263.
- Kawachi H, Nishioka D. Health statuses among people in poverty receiving public assistance in Japan: A Scoping review. JMA Journal. 2024;7(3):301-312.
- Funakoshi M, Nishioka D, Haraguchi S, et al. Diabetes control in public assistance recipients and free/low-cost medical care program beneficiaries in Japan: A retrospective cross-sectional study. BMJ Public Health. 2024; 2(1): e000686
- Hirata Y, Nishioka D, Nishida K, et al. Comparing the Effects of Anti-TNF Agent and Ustekinumab on Small Bowel Inflammation in Crohn’s Disease: Inverse Probability Weighting With Stabilized Weights of Propensity Scores. Crohn’s & Colitis 360. 2024;6(2).
- Nishioka D, Kanzaki I, Kihara A. Survival time disparities after palliative care use among low-income patients on social welfare programs: A retrospective cohort study. Palliat Med Rep. 2024;5(1):187-193.
- Horiike R, Nakai H, Itatani T, Nishioka D et al. Using Spatial Scan Statistics and Geographic Information Systems to Detect Monthly Human Mobility Clusters and Analyze Cluster Area Characteristics. JMA Journal. 2024;7(3):319-327.
- 西岡大輔, 福丸歩, 窪田愛裕美, 他.社会保障給付と負担のタイムラグがもたらす生活困窮─コロナ禍の無料低額診療事業相談事例より─.医療福祉政策研究.2024;7(1):85-94.
- 西村正大, 西岡大輔, 伊藤ゆり, 他.地域診療所におけるベンゾジアゼピン受容体作動薬の適正使用に関する質改善活動のための診療監査とコーチングの効果.月刊地域医学.2024;38(2):158-163.
- Ueno K, Teramoto C, Nishioka D, Kino S, Sawatari H, Tanabe K. Factors associated with prolonged on-scene time in ambulance transportation among patients with minor diseases or injuries in Japan: a population-based observational study. BMC Emerg Med. 2024; 24(1):10.
- 西岡大輔, 近藤敬太.プライマリ・ケアとソーシャルワーク.プライマリ・ケア.2024;
- 西岡大輔.健康データを活かす ――部署間連携型共同研究による被保護者健康管理支援データの活用――.とよなか都市創造.2024.(2)17-22.
- 西岡大輔.会員の受賞・功績のお知らせ 2023年度日本医師会医学研究奨励賞.大阪医科薬科大学医師会会報オンラインジャーナル.2024. (61) 70-71.
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